Hey Guys!
In today’s blog you’ll see how yesterday I was just “BEING” in Toronto. I was able to experience the water I even got inspired to write some music and I went on a food hunt (lol) This video is quite lengthy but I couldn’t leave anything out. It was such a eventful day for me and I needed to document it for myself, my family, my friends and my fans. I really hope you enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed making it for you.
There is no time quite like the present.
On a personal journal note — After a long day yesterday I had a very rough night and time going to sleep as I was struck by the reality that my Auntie is no longer in her body but now only in spirit. I am grateful for her life she shared with us while she was here… but last night I weeped so hard to know I couldn’t call her and share my travel experience with her.. or even just to hear her say “Morrisa you’re doing good I’m proud of you” I can hear her sweet voice saying it as I am typing. The wind is blowing I feel her love energy. If you ever lost someone so dear and near to your heart you understand my pain.
Live life to the fullest with no regrets!
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