Here are some of my personal obsessions, addictions…or just simply the things that gives me a natural high! (Besides SINGING)
I’m addicted to connecting with good people, and helping others — no seriously I am! BUT …There are other things I find myself obsessed with as well…such as
BIRDS!! .. I just adore them.. I love the feathers…the wings.. I even have them tattooed on me.
I freaking love drinking hot TEA … I really have no idea why or when this developed but I love it!
Uh, PIZZA! who doesn’t like a good hot cheesy pie!?
The color PURPLE and BLACK — I’m so spiritually colorful but I love dark colors.
ROCKS! When I see a rock that speaks to me I have to take it home!
I admire the WIND that comes from the OCEAN on the BEACH, I can’t get enough!
Random PENNIES that are Heads Up! (I find a good luck charm in them)
CRACKING the BONES in my body.. weird I know.. but It’s kinda fun like woah thats my insides cracking like that??? (lol) Oh– I also love STRETCHING I could do that for like hours.. with no problem.
I’m obsessed with LONG down to my feet COATS or SWEATERS… I feel like I’m in the Matrix.. or I’m some type of Vampire… it’s defiantly my thing.
I’m addicted to buying COMPOSITION BOOKS …I guess because I’m always ready to write something down on paper.
I’m a junkie for BOOTS… like I am the original “Puss in Boots” (at least I’d like to think so)
I’m addicted to MAKING UP-CLOSE & PERSONAL VIDEOS because it’s like I’m having a conversation with myself but other people tend to relate.. so it’s pretty cool.
I’m always RESEARCHING everything.. like seriously… It could be like “Why do birds chirp at 4am in the dark?”
I sorta, kinda… love CASHEWS!
I love driving in complete SILENCE… I me… its my thinking time…now that I think about it… I just love the silence…it’s golden!
I’m literally always RE-ORGANIZING my room or my living space every 3 months or so… I think I have a mild case of OCD.
I’m obsessed with CREATING NEW IDEAS…. thats why I always have soooo much going on! (lol)