Ohhh yeah.. I really just forgot to tell you!


I’m forever on my social media accounts forgetting about my fully equipped website of my own!

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AnyWHO, yes yes as promised I have done the Visual to the Entire EP #YearXXVI and …Although my Year 26 is coming to an end as I am turning 27 years old in only a matter of days… **cough cough JULY 8th*** (lol) we are still on to release the Short Film based on the music created from that time in my life when I had a strong awakening of self-worth…it wasn’t until I was about to turn 26 years old that I realized I’ve never released a project full of original songs and experiences  of my own… you know why? well I was never focused on me it was always “about a boy” who obviously didn’t get T W O sh*ts about ya girl!! — lol anywho I’m so over it,  it doesnt matter to go in details.. But here are just a couple of photos from the shoot itself and a teaser is coming soon!  I hope to have that to you before I turn 27 at least.. the full visual probably wont be released until August-ish because I had a minor injury while shooting a scene in the Chattahoochee River (umm MAJOR in my book) I split my damn pinky finger until the white meat I bled very badly… almost needed stitches, but thankfully someone on my team was certified in health stuff so we got it handled!! THANKS BRIANA!!! —

Oh enough, enough about the past lol here is to the future my loves!

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We’re About To Roll With The Punches…

So the TEAM and I decided to RE-invent my COVER “swag” — which means we are doing it a bit differently this time around… and sometimes with special guest playing live instruments, singing or even rapping along **You’ll Never Know!** 🙂 — I am excited to start this adventure and share it with you guys!!! We’ll be doing this all year for the rest of the year. Premiering them on the Original “MzRissa” Youtube Channel E V E R Y  Wednesday and Sunday with occasional random Saturday Covers.

#BackYardCovers w/ Morrisa Jeanine — Wednesdays & Sundays

#WordlessCovers w/ Morrisa Jeanine — Occasional Saturdays

With That Being Said Enjoy This Introductory Video Blog My Loves! — & remember that you certainly heard it here first!

P.S. Constantly Visiting my site will allow you to have E V E R Y T H I N G a tad bit earlier than everybody else **wink wink**

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for the love of me

My creation was unplanned by my parents but very well thought out by the most high. I will not disappoint because I will not disappoint myself. It’s crazy how you can find yourself by going back home for a little soul searching…just for a little while. To my lovely mother who has always been a free spirited creative person to come up with so many business ideas to provide us with something to take with us as we grown — and to my father who worked hard every single day of his life since I was born to make sure he could provide something and to make sure had the latest of it all…you’ve created a beast.

Love Your First Born.


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Partying with Dad

Those of you who know me know that I’ve been drafted back home to Savannah longer than expected because my fath-dred (dad) had gotten sick and had to have a big surgery — but the great news is — we are blessed and he is doing better and back to his old self—so much that he had me turned all THEE way up— ugh I was so sick yesterday from the hangover geesh! — I have got to know my limits cause I hate the feeling on the day after drinking God knows what…one of the reasons I prefer *sings* Mary jannnnnnnneeeeee —anywho feeling so much better today ☺️☺️💯 

Loves Be Easy Be Safe! don’t EVER drink & drive! 

I’m out ! 

Weird Morning BTW

Yeah so,

The door bell ring and My aunt is like “Morrisa some boy is at the door for you and he doesn’t know your name” o_O I’m like ummmmm okayyyy … this dude is like 10 years younger than me and he asks me can I come outside. I’m like “to play??” lmfao huh … he’s saw me running/ jogging in the neighborhood and realized which house I run back to.. that was kinda weird … I just gave him my number and told me to text me don’t be popping up on me .. wtf o_O I’m still confused and freaked out about it actually … is this ok? should I be more concerned… idk

whatever …weird morning

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Hey Loves!

All New Website Fully Functional Website finally (lol) Got some content loaded for ya — got everything in one place. I will be sure to post more video blogs and whatnot. I love the new site its mobile friendly and easy for you guys to use! Don’t forget to Subscribe to the mailing list for updates (TRUST there will be updates) — I’m uber excited!

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Operation MJ – I have Problems …but who doesn’t??

soooooo this mash up of footage from 2014 is me in a nutshell…literally…when I watch this I’m like … I’ve got issues… this video was private for almost a year…now I’m making it public… because quite frankly at this point in my life… I literally have nothing to hide…..

It’s Me. Love it …or Love it. lol

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a gig…turned into a interview

Well my management snagged me a gig in Atlanta that turned into a interview. I love working and networking with others on the same wavelength. The stars are aligning … so lately I’ve been feeling so damn good.. This time I spoke with UnderGrind ATL about…me in a nutshell…P.S. the event was amazing… so many people showed love to the designers spite the rain and location change….the fashion show was dope… energy was so good…but I showed up late and everything after that went sooooo fast ;/ I don’t even remember my performance — I blacked out…and almost missed my set (smh) traveling from SAV to ATL is kinda a hassle…can’t wait to move back to ATL or finally get my a*$ to CALI… (lol) anyway — check this out !

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working on writing and fasting

Hey Love Birds! I am working on writing new records to release on my debut (first ever public) album. I’m currently doing a little bit of campaigning to promote “Year XXVI” as you know :). I’m super excited about my next and last vision for my previous project “Year XXVI” : I have deceided to produce “Year XXVI: The Visual” — this will be an 11 -13 minute short based on scenarios from my EP, I plan to release this before I turn 27 🙂 — (lol, I’m so cheesy…I love my birthdays lol) — anywho. This causes for a party! So I’m inviting the city of Atlanta out to view this as I launch the Premier of this visual and last phase of the EP “Year XXVI” on June 26, 2015 — This will lead right into my new music scheduled to be released September 2015. I hope you’re excited as I am. I am partnering with some really dope film-makers to make this happen and we are planning to have a full two-day shoot the first party of June 2015 — yes of course I will be sharing behind the scene footage and photos so you can share this experience with me! I’ve been social media fasting and I want to put more energy into blogging and sharing on my very on website — look forward to get more personal and career updates from me right here! stay posted !

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