#MoMotivation – Understanding the Manifest process…

So whats all this talk about manifestation — okay so I prefer to explain this in the way that I’ve come to understand this process…

For one .. what is “manifesting” — become apparent through the appearance of symptoms .. <– Thats what they said tho.. how the heck do I understand how to manifest?

So, I began to research dig deep you know really figuring out who it and what it is that I wanted to be so that I can experience my own manifest to a point where I can explain it to others who think like me or — come from where I come from, so to speak…

Here’s the thing.. this takes time .. like esp if you are not already mentally prepared to stay at the same positive energy pace during the rollercoaster ride .. like how can you not switch emotionally during a constant up and down process? You have to trust this process.. because there isn’t a physical way to see the rhyme or reason on how certain events in your life play out, the most important thing is to stay in your course… stay excited for the next step forward…

Okay, so we all have these little idiots in (y)our heads that tells us to “give-up, its no point now, its not the right time, I can do this later, I need to wait until…” these are lies, literally lies that you’ve allowed yourself to believe — quite frankly you know much better than that because you also hear the affirmative friends in your head going “go ahead! this is only the beginning! you can do this! this feels so great I can do this forever! I’m glad I made that choice!”  — unfortunately, you  (we) have to listen to them both but chose wisely as to which thoughts you want to bring forth .. this is the process that most people stay at their entire lives… they stay “stuck” they live with the regrets and doubts of the idiots in their heads.. they push away those affirmative thoughts because they now think those are “wishful thinking, fantasies, or dreams” — NO those are very real..

so whats the point Mo?

Now, focusing on those affirmative friends in your head with positive thoughts, great energy, and gratefulness — this will allow you to attract all things to come forth that is in alignment of what you truly want.  This is the next process of manifest.. so its not quite there yet for you.. you think it isn’t working or you’re not doing it right.. but you are.. funny right?.. so you just have to keep those vibes until a couple things manifest before you go into another manifest process. Don’t be fooled  because those idiots will literally always show up … but by now after you’ve gone through one manifest process you should know better and do better …

I read this thing the other day that said ” You believed in Santa Claus and the Tooth fairy for years ..so why can’t you believe in yourself for a month or so…”  I thought WTF … thats real I need to sort some shit out now mentally after reading that..

I mean seriously folks, you can do, be and have anything ..just keep your head high…keep going keep growing because each manifest process should be a learning one so that your next manifest is grander each and every time…


I hope that helped somebody manifest unfinished long overdue task(s)… you can do this…you got it.. it’s your world, stay in your course! AFFRIM!

P.S. — shit happens, but you gotta keep living … if nobody else loves you I do

#MoMotivation – Love Makes The World Go Round. 


go ahead and STREAM “We Got” ?

At the launch of the updated site I released a free stream for you to hear! I wrote this song just before I left Atlanta, Ga with a producer by the name of “BK Era” ; this song literally just came in my spirit the night he played the track and I recorded it — and you’re literally hearing the studio version of this joint. It’s been in the vault for a couple of months and I care to share — because why not I always share with you guys first. Hope you enjoy 🙂

If you haven’t already here it is — If you have already thanks but here it is again 🙂 love ya!

Also, Support these artist!

Speaking Of .. Yes I’ve relocated!

       So, I’ve been living in Los Angeles, CA since June 2017 ; and I love it I mean I’ve always had a thing for California and this year was the year I officially got drafted here.  Amazingly enough I’ve literally already performed 3 times and many more to count so the ball is rolling ladies and gents which makes me even more excited about my move!

Just recently had a performance at Carnival Encino – cool experience with my new found west coast band mates — we even got a chance to meet Ms. Golden Brooks.

Moving here has been an adventure, its defiantly different from the southeast region — but what can I say thats why I moved to receive the change that I wanted mentally because seriously in Georgia (all my life) I feel like I was going nowhere fast … like really fast but nowhere (lol) I mean I love my homeland, city, and state but to say the least… I was ready to go .. plus GA will always be home …

I have an full agenda of excited things that are blossoming here that I care to share as they unravel — so bare with me as I don’t like to speak before it happens as I speak them into existence (You’re like huh? lol .. its cool all that matters is I understand lol xoxo)

Anywho in a nutshell Cali has been great to me see that sun kissed skin! 🙂 !


It’s been a while .. but I have good reasons..

Hi! Missed you too! — I know I’ve been ghost but I have good reasons .. I’ve been working for you! Just updated the entire website with a mixture of new and old goodies for content.  Released 2 new joints via soundcloud + pandora! (Yay!) — Moved to California (Whoo-hoo!) — I’ll tell you all about the Cali journey as soon as I can.. I’m really still adjusting.. BUT I’ve already had my first show in Los Angeles, and scheduled for a performance at a Carnival in Encino, CA!

Not to mention I just came back from performing my third year in a row at the Sweet Auburn Music Festival! (Go Team!) I have lots more to share with you — but in the mean time check out the update layout + content on www.morrisajeanine.com — vibe out to that music section, view some visuals, browse through some photos…ya know get to know me some more…get to love me some more.. (I want your good lovinggggg 🙂 xoxo! )


Anywho!! — Check out these videos below from my rehearsals with my west coast band! TTYS!